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JEONBUK STATE JeonBuk Industry-University Cooperation Agency

Activating Regional Living Labs
Establish a public-private-people-partnership-based regional innovation participatory Living Lab ecosystem.
The core of the Living Lab is directly addressing local community issues by identifying problems that reflect the region's characteristics and actively gathering residents' opinions to resolve real issues.
To effectively identify and resolve regional issues, it is crucial to form and operate a collaborative body between universities and local governments.


  • Responsible Entities

    General Universities, Vocational Universities

  • Implementation Period

    2025 ~ 2029 / 5 years(3 + 2)


  • Forming the JB Living Lab Consortium and Identifying Issues
    • Form a consortium for the "JB Living Lab" between universities and local governments, proposing and selecting the partnership.
    • Through the operation of the consortium, identify specific local issues and plan solutions.
  • Operating Local Issue Resolution Programs
    • Create a Living Lab ecosystem to activate regional innovation and cooperation, and run programs to solve local problems.
    • Develop specialized professionals and provide research support for resolving regional issues.