- Specialized Talent Development for Key Industries (Vocational Universities)
- Develop a strategy for cultivating practical, field-based talent that reflects the demands of regional industries and implement industry-driven projects centered on field technology.
- Resolve the labor mismatch and increase regional settlement rates by training industrial talent for local industries.
Responsible Entities
General Universities, Vocational Universities
Implementation Period
2025 ~ 2029 / 5 years(3 + 2)
Operating Custom Training Programs for Companies
- Establish and operate a tailored educational environment and space for field-based learning and collaboration with companies to meet their specific demands.
- Develop and operate joint university-company courses to cultivate specialized operators who can meet the demands of local businesses.
Supporting Student Participation in R&D for Key Industries
- Support student-participation R&D projects to solve technical challenges faced by companies in key industries.