- Enhancing the Connection between Regional Universities and High Schools
- Discover and operate innovative university-high school collaboration education models aligned with the 4 key strategies and 10 tasks of the Jeonbuk State Education Development Zone.
- Improve employment rates and regional settlement by operating specialized programs for vocational high schools connected to regional characteristics and development strategies.
Responsible Entities
General Universities, Vocational Universities
Implementation Period
2025 ~ 2029 / 5 years(3 + 2)
Region-Led Public Education Innovation
- Establish a digital-based learning environment tailored to student needs.
- Develop specialized education models linked to regional and school-specific characteristics through education innovation school models.
Regional Talent Development and Multicultural Student Support
- Innovate regional universities and create growth bases in collaboration with local communities.
- Activate tailored support programs for multicultural students.
- Support vocational high school restructuring and implement employment support programs.
- Foster regional talent through vocational education innovation zones.
Regional Responsibility-Based Care System
- Establish the foundation for Jeonbuk’s integrated early childhood education system and run “Always Spring Schools” in partnership with local communities.
- Strengthen collaboration between universities, education support offices, and local governments to build a support system for schools outside regular hours.